Alicia Riccio

Alicia Riccio, Hard Copy, 2023-ongoing, Inkjet prints, pen, marker on paper, Dimensions variable, 13 x 9.5 inches each

Hard Copy is an ongoing five chapter series that departs from a five-page, handwritten document recording the 107 items purchased over the course of one day in 1977 from Giovanni’s Room, the first LGBT bookstore to open in the US. The pages and flyers were scanned at the John J. Wilcox Jr. Archives at the William Way LGBT Community Center in Philadelphia.


Alicia Riccio (b. 1992, Bridgeport, CT) is an artist working with video, sound, print, and performance. Their practice fragments, rearranges, and interpolates language to subvert histories and the authorial voice in an expanded exploration of care, loss, and queerness.